Canada will be acknowledging its first ever Nation Truth and Reconciliation Day that blossomed out of Orange Shirt Day. Below is a list of resources to help you reflect on Canada’s history of its mistreatment of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people that reside on this land. After accessing a few of the resources as an individual or a family take some time to discuss / reflect upon:
1) what did you already know?
2) what surprised you?
3) what challenges you, why?
4) how can you put new knowledge to work in your relationships with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people?
Resources: Kevin Lamoureux on Truth & Reconciliation: Truth and Reconciliation | Kevin Lamoureux | TEDxUniversityofWinnipeg - YouTube
Loretta J. Ross on calling someone into conversation
Lana Whiskeyjack speaks to the legacy of the IRS
Lana Gets Her Talk (English Subtitles) on Vimeo Indian Residential Timeline Video:
Gord Downie’s “The Secret Path”
Gord Downie's The Secret Path - YouTube Podcasts: CBC: Telling Our Twisted Historieshttps://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/906-telling-our-twisted-histories?cmp=DM_SEM_Listen_TitlesListening with the Heart Shawna Cunningham on Truth & Reconciliation, https://alumni.ucalgary.ca/stories/podcast/126-truth-reconciliation
Porcupine Podcasts: Conversations between Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Peoplehttps://porcupinepodcast.ca/podcast-episodes/ Documents: Doctrine of Discovery
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoplehttps://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/declaration/index.html
Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action
Book Recommendations: Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
Available on Kindle $12.99
Kaitlin B. Curtice, Native: Identity, Belonging, and Rediscovering God Available on Kindle $14.39
Richard Twiss, One Church Many Tribes Available on Kindle $9.99 Children’s Books: Paul Windsor, Good Morning World Authored by a member of the Haisla and Heiltsuk Nations, use this book to teach your child how to wake up cheerfully. This board book is designed to help your baby or toddler say Good Morning!
Ages 0-2 years
Available in Hardcover
Paul Windsor, Good Night World Authored by a member of the Haisla and Heiltsuk Nations, use this book to help put your baby or toddler to sleep.
Ages 0-2 years Available as a Board Book
Richard Van Kamp, May We Have Enough to Share Designed to bring gratitude to your baby or toddler. This book brings awareness to all that we are grateful for.
Ages 0-2 years Available as a Board Book
Rebecca Thomas, I'm Finding My Talk Written in response to Rita Joe’s poem, “I lost my talk,” Rebecca Thomas writes about rediscovering and reclaiming her culture as a second-generation residential school survivor.
Ages 4 – 9 years Available on Kindle $9.13
Phyllis Webstad, Phyllis’s Orange Shirt An adaptation of the Orange Shirt story.
Ages 4-6 Available on Amazon $11.83 Theresa Larson-Jonasson, The Sharing Circle
Animals decide to have a sharing circle to settle their disagreement
6-8 years Available in Paperback $16.82
Nicola L. Campbell, Shi Shi-Etko
Watch the short film version here. Shi-etko prepares herself for Residential School by garnering memories of home life by spending time in creation and learning from her parents and grandmother.
4-7 years Available on Kindle $12.75 Christy Jordan-Fenton, When I was Eight, Margaret Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton Olemaun faces adversity at a far-away residential school to learn how to read.
6-9 years
Available on Kindle $7.99
This is awesome. Thanks for the great resource list!